Hi there 👋
I’m 16 years old and living in Germany (Berlin). I’m currently in Q2 of the German “Oberstufe” and learning (web) development. Specifically, JavaScript + Vue.js/ Nuxt.
- 🔭 I’m “currently” working on a project with my good friend minie4 called “RGBVertretungsplan” (this is a temporary name)
- 📫 How you can reach me: Probably the best way is to text me on Discord, alternatively you can reach me over E-Mail
- 🧠 If you are interested in anything of this, I recommend checking out my Homepage (German)
- 🔬 Some of my other side projects (basically all) are currently on my self-hosted GitLab
- 🐳 One of my latest projects was the “ProjektWal” I did with minie4 and unterdrueckt for our school.